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The geographical centre of a country.

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Q: What is the furthest inland point called?
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What furthest inland place in Britain?

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When the moon is farthest from the earth this point is what?

The point in the Moon's orbit where it is furthest from the Earth is called the apogee.

What the furthest point north on the Earth is called?

The point furthest north on the earth's surface is the point at 90 degrees north latitude, popularly referred to as the "north pole". The point furthest south on the earth's surface is the point at 90 degrees south latitude, popularly referred to as the "south pole".

What is The point at which the planet is closest to the sun to its orbit is called?

The closest point to the Sun in a planet's orbit is called perihelion. The furthest point is called aphelion. Phil

Furthest inland pacific port on the west coast?

Lewiston, ID

Is Wake island the furthest point east in us?

It's the furthest point west.

When a planet is closest to the sun in its orbit?

Closest point is called the perihelion; furthest from sun is aphelion.

What is the name of the point when a spacecraft is furthest from the moon?

The extreme points of an orbit are generically called "apsis", and that's now the preferred term for all bodies. The furthest point in the orbit would be apoapsis, or for the Moon specifically, apolune, though as noted this term is now deprecated. Note that this applies only to orbits. There is no word for the furthest point of the entire journey.

When is a planet farthest from the sun?

The distance that a planet is from the Sun differs depending on the planet. However, for this question, I will use Earth. Earth is closest to the Sun when the Northern Hemisphere is in it's winter months. This is about December 21st. During Summer, The month of June, Earth is Furthest from the Sun.The point when an object is at its furthest point from the Sun in its orbit is called "aphelion".

Where is the location of Paris?

Get a map of France. Draw a line from the furthest point West to the furthest point East, and another from furthes south to furthest north. Where the lines cross is Paris.

What is the latitude line furthest to the north called and what is the measurement?

The farthest north latitude is 90° North. It is a single point, called the 'north pole'.

Point at which a planet is farthest away from the Sun?

Aphelion. The furthest point of any orbiting body is called the apoapsis, with the closest approach being called the periapsis or pericentre, though for different bodies, unique derivitive terms are used. For example, when we talk of object in orbit about the Earth we use perigee and apogee for closest and furthest positions. When we are talking about objects in orbit around the sun, such as the planets, we use perihelion and aphelion for closest and furthest approches.