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There are many different g powers for subterra primo vulcan, but i have one and its 620 g

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Q: What is the g power of subterra primo Vulcan?
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Is Darkus better than Subterra?

YES!!! Darkus is way better than subterra. Sometimes it just depends on the G power

Which bakugan has the most points?

Subterra Special attack Angelo at 720 G, The highest G power you can get is 720G, any G power Higher is fake.

What is ventus carlsnouts g power it only has the ventus and the subterra symbol?

ventus carlsnout is a bakugan trap so it doesn't have a g- power.

What is gorem?

Gorem is a humanoid, Egyptian-style golem, Subterra Bakugan with a shield that can decrease the G-Power of any bakugan that hits it.

How many g's does falconeer have?

550 if subterra 530 if ventus

How do Bakugan traps help out bakugan?

they give attributes or g-power. for example, subterra baliton is only used with subterra bakugan and used in the middle of a battle(no rolling required) and you can only use 1. baliton gives darkus and haos, so your bakugan will be subterra darkus and haos, and also get boosts fromm allthree from the gate card

Does Dual Elfin change attribute?

No. In the anime she swithches in between haos,pyrus, and subterra and has antennae, if that is what you are asking. In real life, I have one, and it does not change g-power or attribute.

Where is the g-power on the bakugan trap?

normally the g-power of a bakugan will be enprinted on the bakugan itself (when its open) but drago and gorem (subterra) doesnt show it that's why i wanted to know

Im a strong Brawler I brawl with subterra you want to battle?

yes I'm the 25th best brawler in aamerica 14th best darkus brawler and 5th best brawler in Mississippi. So hotshot you still want to battle!!! Now go to my website (Note My strongest bakugan has 680 g's but with my combination of abilitys he can get up to 1700 g's.) You are wrong I brawl with subterra im the best brawler in the pacific (counting nz and australia) my best has 720 G I can get it up to 2750 G in fact I would only need 2 bakugan to beat you my 720 G preyas ii subterra and also my 700G clayF subterra

Is this a good Bakugan team 610 subterra hammer gorem 540 ventus limulus and 470 subterra dragonoid?

It depends on the Gate and Ability Cards you have in your arsenal. I could take 2 500g Brawlers and a 700G clayf and beat you if I had "Duck and Win" and G-Power Exchange. Let's talk about what cards you have and we'll see.

What is the G for a triad sphinx?

Triad sphinx doesnt have any g... Its a bakugan trap so its used to change the attribute of your bakugan during battle. For example If i have a pyrus dragonoid and a pyrus triad sphinx (there original attributes must match) i can change it to subterra during a battle and gain attribute bonuses for subterra from the gate card, however i will then lose the pyrus bonus. I can change to subterra because that's one of the three attributes that are revealed when triad sphinx opens. i pretty sure with pyrus sphinx you can change to subterra, ventus and haos but i might be wrong

What is the highest g power a bakugan can have?

What the crap. you little. About 850g's. If you want to complain you fathead my email is See you. There is also a 950 g darkus tigrera, but its so rare noone ever talks about it. I am not same person as above. I have seen a 1150 g subterra longfly from series 3 and i am none of the above i am enteih20