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This game is called Petpetsitter.

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Q: What is the game on neopets where the neopets babysits the petpets?
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Related questions

How is a Neopet different from a petpet?

You can feed Neopets -petpets cannot be fedYou can enter Neopets in contests-petpets cannot

How do you look into a petpets mouth in Neopets?

You don't.

How do you check petpets mouth in Neopets?

You can't. It's impossible.

What is the loudest petpet in Neopets?

The petpets don't actually make noise...

Where to battle petpets on Neopets?

te petpet battle dome in the games room

How do you get out your petpets on Neopets?

Click on your active neopet in the left top corner. This will take you to where all your neopets are. Click on which neopet you want to remove the petpet from. Your neopet will pop up. Click on the petpets picture. There you can name or rename it, or stop playing with it.

What do you do at the Mysterious Symol Hole in Neopets?

one of yur petpets can go in and they might find a avatar.

What petpets can turn into Neopets?

if you take a krawk petpet with a name no neopet has to the fungas cave you will get a krawk neopet

What are all the petpets on Neopets?

Go to "Pet Central" (it's at the top on the navigation bar). Scroll down until you see "All Petpet Species," and that should give you a list and pictures of the petpets.

How do you dress petpet in Neopet?

You can't dress up petpets in Neopets, only paint them different colors, which you can do with a petpet paint brush.

Can you adopt a petpet on Neopets?

Sadly, there isn't a place where petpets can actually be adopted, like a petpet pound, but they can be purchased in many places.

On neopets why is there no gerbil like neopet?

If you want a gerbil, get a Meepit. Meepit = pink gerbil. They're petpets, sure, but it's the closest you'll come.