

What is the game with the steel ball?

Updated: 9/14/2023
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Q: What is the game with the steel ball?
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What is a steel ball?

A steel ball is a ball, or sphere, made of steel. An example would be a ball bearing, and the whole world runs on bearings, many of which are of the ball bearing variety.

What is a Steele?

A steel ball is a ball, or sphere, made of steel. An example would be a ball bearing, and the whole world runs on bearings, many of which are of the ball bearing variety.

What is boules?

It is a French bowling game. You play with 3 small steel balls and try to get your ball as close as you can to a point on the ground. The person who gets the most ball the closest wins.

How is the density of a steel ball different from a steel ship?

Density = mass/volume let us say the mass of the steel ball and the ship are same. but the steel ball is fully enclosed, a tight spherical volume, where as the ship is a hollow, occupies more volume (multiple times) as that of the spherical ball. Considering the first equation, u know well the density of steel ball is much higher than the steel ship.

Why a ball of steel sinks but boat made of steel floats?

The steel boat has more bouyancy because it is mostley filled with air as with the steel ball it is dence and heavy so it sinks

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Would a solid steel ball drop faster than a solid steel ball?

Yes and no. When it 'falls' out of a cannon/musket, the solid steel ball will fall at an significantly speedier rate than that of a conventional solid steel ball not emerging from a cannon/musket housing. But sometimes the other solid steel ball will drop slightly faster than the solid steel ball as well. No one knows why really. It's a mystery. :-) (don't know what this question was supposed to mean but that was fun, lol)

Why doesn't a steel ball have 5 times the acceleration of a plastic ball if the steel ball has 5 times the mass and weight of the plastic ball plus if gravity pulls 5 times harder on the steel ball?

We know that Force=mass*Accelaration Acceleration=Force/Mass So,Accelaration is inversely proportional to mass.i.e,if mass increases,acceleration decreases and vice versa . now coming to the present problem, steel ball has more mass than plastic ball so as described above steel ball has less acceleration than plastic ball.

What is a ball game?

A ball game is a game played with a ball, or a specific contest in any game played with a ball.

When the diameter of ball mill is above 2500mm some steel ball would be added so what the ball dimension would be?

The steel ball with model of Ø120㎜、Ø100㎜、Ø80㎜ should be added。

Will a hollow steel ball crush under water?

No. A hollow steel ball will not crush underwater. One reason this is true is because the steel ball cant go under the water in the first place because it hallow.

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