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Q: What is the gas formed when you add zinc to copper sulfate?
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What happens if you add zinc to copper sulfate And what happens if you add gold to copper sulfate?

Adding zinc to copper sulfate will result in a displacement reaction that will create copper metal to precipitate as a solid. CuSO4(aq) + Zn(s) ---> ZnSO4 + Cu(s) This reaction is quite exothermic too, meaning it will give off alot of heat - enough to make it too hot to hold the reaction beaker in bare hands.

What happens when you add morphine sulfate with zinc sulfate?

Nothing, they do not react

What happens when you add iron to copper sulphate?

1. Iron sulfate is formed. 2. The released copper is deposited on the surface of the iron piece.

What color change is there when you add black copper oxide to sulfuric acid?

When you add black copper oxide to sulfuric acid, the solution turns blue because copper sulfate was formed and it is a colored compound.

Does the mass of water increase when you add copper sulfate?

The mass of water does not increase when copper sulfate is added to the water, unless the copper sulfate is hydrated. The mass of the mixture of water and copper sulfate, of course, does increase.

What happens when you add powdered zinc to a mixture of copper sulphate?

The solution becomes a paler blue and a brownish solid is formed

What happens when you add copper sulfate and potassium hydroxide together?

when these two are added, it forms double displacement. In result, copper (ii) hydroxide and potassium 2 sulfate is formed. pale blue solid is the product.

Why copper rods not used to separate zinc from zinc sulphate?

Copper rods cannot separate zinc from zinc sulphate because copper is less reactive than zinc, and cannot separate the zinc which is more reactive than copper. If you get copper sulphate and add some zinc to it, you will see solid copper appearing on the bottom of the test tube... The copper cannot push out the zinc from the solution and take its place.

What salt do you make if you add copper carbonate to sulphuric acid?

Copper sulfate is the salt made by this.

What happens when you heat anhydrous copper sulphate?

Copper sulfate is normally found in the form of blue crystals, copper (II) sulfate pentahydrate. When you heat copper sulfate pentahydrate it turns white as the water which is driven off by the heat. The white solid remaining is anhydrous copper sulfate. If you add water to the anhydrous copper sulfate an exothermic reaction occurs, you can feel the test-tube getting hot, as the blue copper sulfate pentahydrate is re-formed.

If add water to a copper sulfate crystal will it get larger?

Copper(II) sulfate can fom 3 hydrates; the molar mass increase from the anhydrous salt to heptahydrate.

What happen if add heat to anhydrous copper sulfate?

Copper sulfate can be thermally dissociated at apptox. 500 oC.