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1.Protozoa are simple, single celled animals 2. They are microscopic 3. They inhabit in soil and water

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Q: What is the general characteristics under phylum protozoa?
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What is the classification level in which classes with similar characteristics are group?

In taxonomy, classes with similar characteristics are under the classification level of "phylum." The classification levels (from broad to specific) are domain, kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, species. Ergo, a phylum contains classes with similar characteristics.

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The classification level that groups classes with similar characteristics is called a category. Categories help organize and classify information in a systematic way for easier understanding and analysis.

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You can't. An algae is a type of protozoa, and they are classified under the kingdom protista.

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How do you define the term protozoa?

The protozoa are one-celled animals and the smallest of all animals. Most of them can only be seen under a microscope.

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by common characteristics by kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, species

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Bats are classified under the phylum Chordata because they possess a notochord during their development. The presence of a notochord is a defining characteristic of the phylum Chordata, which includes all animals with a dorsal nerve cord at some stage in their life cycle.

Do butterflies have chordatas?

Chordata is not something you "have." It is a way if classifying an animal. "Chordata" is a phylum in which vertebraes, urochodatas, and cephalochordates are put under (how they are classified). If your question was meant to be "are butterflies chordates" then the answer is no. Butterflies are classified under the phylum "Arthropoda," not under the phylum Chordata.