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Q: What is the general term for pain numbness or tengling in the extremities?
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Symptoms of a bulging disc include, but are not limited to, pain, numbness in the affected area, and weakness in the extremities. An appointment with a physician needs to be made to determine a course of treatment.

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In Raynaud's phenomenon, the affected extremities turn white, then blue, and red as the blood supply is cut off. The color changes are accompanied by numbness, tingling, burning, and pain.

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Reported side effects with fo ti are generally rare. They include diarrhea, abdominal pain, nausea , numbness in the extremities, flushing of the face, and skin rashes.

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Sciatica pain is caused by the irritation or compression of the sciatica nerve. Symptoms include general back pain, numbness, tingling, muscle weakness and loss of tendon reflexes.

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In Stevenson's poem "The Vagabond," biting the blue finger refers to an experience of cold weather or numbness, particularly in the extremities. The phrase conveys a physical sensation of discomfort or pain.

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Spinal Stenosis Surgery is used to repair a narrowing of the spine, generally in the elderly. This narrowing can cause pain and numbness in the back and extremities, as well as possible bladder and bowel problems.

Can fibroids cause pelvic pain and leg numbness and anemia?

Yes, heavy bleeding and fibroid pressing on nerves can cause pelvic pain and numbness.

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If someone punches you in the arm can it cause numbness in your hand and pain all throughout your arm?

if you get punched and it happens to hit a nerve you can experience numbness and pain throughout your arm. not common but possible

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Gradual blockage creates muscle aches and pain, cramping, and sensations of tiredness or numbness; sudden blockage may cause severe pain, coldness and numbness.