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DNA is "housed" in the nucleus of the cell.

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intracellular fluid

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They are called vesicles.

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Q: What is the generic term for a structure inside a cell that form a separate funtional compartment with in the cell itself?
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Analytical exposition is a type of text that presents an argument and provides supporting evidence to persuade the audience of the writer's point of view. The generic structure typically includes: Thesis: introduction that presents the main argument. Arguments: main points supporting the thesis, presented in a logical order. Reiteration: restatement of the main argument and supporting points to reinforce the writer's position.

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No, the term Australian Desert is a generic term that applies to ten separate deserts in that country.

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the generic structure of the story of the lion and the mouse---A fable is a story that is generally accepted as fiction that gives animals and objects human-like features and qualities in order to tell the story. Fables always have a moral or purpose and can usually be summed up in a maxim (i.e. "slow and steady wins the race" from The Tortoise and the Hare)

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Fentanyl is a generic drug.

Where to download generic video driver?

The driver included in Windows XP and later is about as "generic" as it gets. There can't be a better generic driver because that would require that the reasons there are separate drivers were not true. Video cards have different ways of implementing things like higher resolutions and hardware acceleration, that the companies aren't all willing to reveal to everyone.