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Q: What is the genotypic ratio for a Mendelian trihybrid cross in Hindi?
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What is the expected genotypic ratios for di-hybrid cross and mono-hybrid cross?

The expected genotypic ratios for a dihybrid cross is 9:3:3:1, and for a monohybrid cross is 1:2:1.

Why does the expected genotypic ratio often differ from the expected genotypic ratio resulting from a monohybrid cross?

becouse you touch yourself at night.

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The genotypic ratio of a cross of Aa and Aa is: one AA, one aa, and two Aa. Or 1:2:1

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Science sucks dick

If a trihybrid cross for TTGGRRxTTGGRR is preformed what percent of the offspring would be tall green and round?

It does.. But you knew anything you would try to answer it 👏

What is a mendelian ratio?

representation of genotypes of a pair of contrasting traits of a character in the form of ratio is referred as genetic ratio. in this ratio the three different genotypes are represented- homozygous dominant genotype:heterozygote genotype:homozygous recessive genotype in case of a monohybrid cross ( either normal cross,reciprocal crosses of Mendel or back cross or test cross ratios) and for dihybrid crosses- dominant genotype:recombinant genotypes:recessive genotypes are represented. For instance monohybrid genotypic ratio is 1:2:1 and back cross/test cross ratio-1:1 For dihybrid genotypic ratio 1:2:2:4:1:2:1:2:1 It may differ in different cases according to T.H.Morgan.Bateson, punnet, Garrod etc.

In what classic mendelian cross would you expect to find a ratio of 9 3 3 1 among f2 offspring?

dihybrid cross