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Q: What is the gestation period for blob fish?
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a fish lays eggs so it doesn't have a gestation period

Is a blob fish a reptile?

No. A blob fish is a fish.

What is a blob fish guarding its eggs called?

A blob fish guarding its eggs is commonly referred to as a brooding fish. Unlike most fish, the blob fish, or blob sculpin, will lay its eggs close to another blob fish.

How long is the gestation period for tuna fish?

They do not gestate so there is no 'gestation period' Japanese fighting fish (Betta splendens) are bubble nest builders and lay eggs which are tended by the male in the nest until they (hatch).

Does a blob fish have camouflage?

does blob fish camouflages

How long is the gestation period for a fish?

This will depend on the type of fish. Most common fish such as goldfish are egg laying, so they do not get pregnant. Other fish such as Guppies are livebearing fish, and they have a gestation period of around 28 days

How do you prepare a blob fish for dinner?

I Am Warning YOU! Do NOT eat blob fish they are poisons .

Blob fish babies?

They look just the same as normal blob fish.

Do blob fish eat fish?

The blob fish feeds by just sitting in the water and waiting for something edible to come by. So technically the blob fish eats anything edible.

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What does a blob fish taste like?

Blob fish tastes almost like crab, except a little bit sweeter.