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Q: What is the goal of the UK government in terms of carbon dioxide and energy use?
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What happens in terms of energy during photosynthesis?

Energy is used to create glucose, oxygen, and water from carbon dioxide and water.

How photosynthesis and cellular respiration opposite in terms of carbon dioxide?

Cellular respiration creates carbon dioxide while photosynthesis uses it.

If oxygen is nearby what would carbon do in terms of electrons?

Carbon would share electrons with the oxygen to form carbon monoxide or carbon dioxide.

The burning of fuel such as propane releases?

The formula for the combustion of propane is: C2H6 + 5O2 --> 2CO2 + 3H2O So each mole of propane creates two moles of carbon dioxide. One mole of propane is 30 g, one mole of carbon dioxide is 44 g So each gram of propane creates (2x44)/30)= 2.93 g of carbon dioxide on combustion. In common terms a 20lb tank of p for a BBQ creates a bit less than 60 lb of carbon dioxide

What is correlation in scientifical terms?

mor carbon dioxide in the atmosphere means that no gases can get out. That is correlation.

Do plant produce carbon dioxide?

Yes, for the most part, all life as we (humanity) understand it, produces carbon dioxide. HOWEVER, Plants generally produce a NET NEGATIVE amount of carbon dioxide. Animals breathe in Oxygen, use this to burn stored energy and perform work within the body, and in the process bond the oxygen to carbon producing carbon dioxide which is exhaled. Plants do the same thing. they absorb oxygen, and use it in the process of burning energy to fuel growth, repair, produce fruit, etc. The misconception is common that plants do not use oxygen and do not create carbon dioxide. This stems from the process of photosynthesis, wherein the plant absorbs carbon dioxide from its surrounding atmosphere, uses it in converting light energy to a form usable by the plant, and in so doing separates the carbon and oxygen atoms, 'breaking' the carbon dioxide. The oxygen is then released back into the environment, In most plants, they consume more carbon dioxide and produce more oxygen than the reverse. As a result, the plant takes in more carbon dioxide than it expels, and as such 'effectively' (but not literally) producing no carbon dioxide.

How is carbon dioxide different from carbon and oxygen?

Carbon and Oxygen are atoms (although the terms can also be use for some corresponding pure molecules like O2). Carbon dioxide is a molecule. It is more different from carbon and Oxygen than a chair is different from wood and nails...

Is carbon dioxide a physical or chemical property?

Carbon dioxide (CO2) is a chemical compound consisting of one carbon atom bonded to two oxygen atoms. It is a chemical property because it describes the composition and arrangement of atoms in a substance. However, in terms of physical properties, carbon dioxide is a colorless, odorless gas at standard temperature and pressure.

What is carbon dioxide in scientific terms?

Carbon dioxide refers to a chemical compound with the formula CO2. It consists of a central carbon atom bonded to two oxygen atoms in each molecule. It is formed by the combustion of carbon and carbon containing compounds.

What is the definition of net zero in terms of carbon dioxide (CO2)?

Net zero, in terms of carbon dioxide (CO2), refers to a state in which the amount of CO2 emissions released into the atmosphere is balanced by the removal or offsetting of an equivalent amount of CO2 from the atmosphere in a specific timeframe. This can be achieved through various measures, such as reducing emissions, increasing energy efficiency, utilizing renewable energy sources, and implementing carbon capture and storage technologies. The ultimate goal is to reach a point where the net carbon emissions are effectively zero, helping to mitigate climate change and stabilize the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere.

What are types of gas are there and can you please put it in kid terms?

Oxygen Helium Natural Gas Carbon Dioxide Anesthetics Gas Carbon monoxide sulfur dioxide Neon Water Vapor You see, I HAVE to put it in kid terms because I AM a kid! We breathe in Oxygen, and we breathe out carbon dioxide, better known as Co2. Plants take in Co2 and produce oxygen.....and this is why we are lucky to have plants around!:)

What is photosynthesis in your own words?

it is something to deal with science and plants Well, you did ask for simple terms - that's what you got Here- Plant takes in Carbon Dioxide through its stomata and releases Oxygen. :D