

What is the god of hatred?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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12y ago

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There is no god of hatred in Islam. In some stories, God may become angry, but His message above all is that He loves us and wants to forgive us. It is safe to say that a common theme found in all religions is forgiveness and love. For example in the Holy Quran, it says: Say, [O Muhammad], "If you should love Allah, then follow me, [so] Allah (God) will love you and forgive you your sins. And Allah is Forgiving and Merciful." (Chapter 3, verse 31)

There are similar verses in Judaism and Christianity, where God instructs us to love others as He loved us, and to forgive others as He forgives us. For example, in Micah 6:8 in the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament) were are told to "do justice, love mercy and walk humbly with your God;" other verses tell us to welcome the stranger and show hospitality and compassion. And in the New Testament, there are many similar verses: Jesus frequently tells us to love one another.

In certain pagan religions, there was a god of war, like Ba'al in Babylonian stories, and this god often demanded blood and/or human sacrifice to appease him. In Greek myths, Styx, who was the goddess of the river of the same name, was thought by some to be the "goddess of hate," a Titan who sided with Zeus and received the honor of presiding over the river that all binding oaths might be made. And although Hades is the god of the underworld, and sometimes erroneously thought of as the personification of death or the equivalent of a Christian "hell," the Greeks did not think Hades was inherently evil, nor was he associated with hatred.

Similarly, in Hindu stories, Shiva was spoken of as a god could bring death and destruction, but Shiva could also bring new life, by killing that which was decaying, to pave the way for something that was new.

To sum up, many stories in all religions mention that God (or the gods) can be angered and lash out at sinful humans, but there is no one deity who is associated only with hate ― usually, even the gods of war or violence or destruction also have a kinder side, and nearly every religion has a message that humans should be loving and compassionate.

AnswerIn Dungeons and Dragons, Bane is the god of hatred.
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