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Q: What is the good side of medusa?
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What good things did Medusa do?

There are many good things about Medusa. For example __________. Also, __________. This is why Medusa is a good person.

Does Medusa's have a relationship with another god est?

yes medusa had a good relationship with perseus.

Who are medusas children?

medusa's child was pegasus. pegasus came out of medusa's body when medusa's head got cut off. unlike medusa, pegasus was a very good god.

How is Medusa reliable?

if you get her on your side in a war she will be able to turn you enemies to stone

What is an upside down bowl shaped cnidarian?

You have described body plan of a medusa...... and a jellyfish is a good example of a medusa.

What eats a Medusa Jellyfish?

A sea turtle ofcourse Well there are different turtles out there that that eat medusa jellyfish.....

Who is pegasus mom?

Pegasus' family is the gorgon, Medusa ( MUM ) an Greek God Poseidon (DAD). Brother Chrysaor. Grandpearents are Cronus and Rhea (POSEIDONS SIDE) and Phorcys and Ceto ( MEDUSAS SIDE).

Does Medusa bring good or evil to humans?

Only evil.

Is Medusa evil of good?

Medusa is a snake woman that is the queen of the gorgon sisters, yes she is very evil! If you look at her in the eyes, she will turn you into a stone.

Would left lip piercing look ok with a medusa piercing?

Yes, a left lip piercing would look good with a Medusa. I have my Medusa, Snakebites, Septum, Right Nostril, etc... If anything, get more! :-)

What would a Monroe be called if it was on the right?

On your right side it's a Madonna, your left side it's a Monroe, center it's a Medusa

Is getting a Medusa tattoo bad luck?

I wouldn't say so because my ant's best friend has a Medusa on her, and she has a lot of good luck. So my answer is no.