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Use taxes are part of sales tax in some states only. If you mean what do they Use taxes for- public programs, schools, police, fire, etc. etc.

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Q: What is the government uses taxes?
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Is fiscal policy when the government uses government spending and taxes to affect economic performance?

Yes. :)

The federal government uses FICA taxes to pay for what?

All of the above ^_^

What level of government uses money collected from taxes to pay for fire and police protection?

Usually local government.

The way the government uses taxes and spending to stabilize the economy is called what?

Fiscal policy is the way the government uses taxes and spending to stabilize the economy. It is based on the theories of British economist John Maynard Keynes, also known as Keynesian economics.

The way the government uses taxes and spending to stabilize the economy is called .?

Fiscal policy is the way the government uses taxes and spending to stabilize the economy. It is based on the theories of British economist John Maynard Keynes, also known as Keynesian Economics.

The federal government uses income taxes to?

To pay all of the necessary expense of operating the services and programs that are administrated by the federal government.

What is a 1040 tax form, exactly?

The 1040 tax form is a form the government uses to calculate how much taxes a person needs to pay or taxes the government owes back to someone. It uses equations from your income, charitable donations, and assets.

What can you tell me about income tax?

Income Taxes are taxes that a government imposes on all people and businesses that live within its jurisdictions. These monies are key funds that the government uses to fund its programs and serve the people.

What role do taxes play in fiscal policy?

Fiscal policy is spending, taxing and borrowing policies. The government collects taxes to pay for programs such as road construction, education and national defense. The government also uses taxes to influence the behavior of individuals.

What level of government uses income taxs?

Federal, state, and local all get some of the taxes for everything.

Where does the money come from that your government uses to find highway projects and other federal programs?

from taxes from innocent peoples

What are some examples of government would use collected taxes?

Governments use taxes to keep the government and vital parts of a nations economy running smoothly. Some uses of taxes by governments are to pay its employees and to buy war weapons. Other uses range for social services to tax collection. Government funded medical services also use tax monies to pay doctors and nurses for example.