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Both of them are Prepositions and one thing you need to understand about Prepositions is that you can not define them. Their use in a sentence almost always depends on the context. Observe the sentence below: "She looked at the man sitting in a corner on the other side of the hall" Use of prepositions is often a matter of convenion. We can not, therefore, exaplain why it is in a corner and not at a corner. Also, certain verbs take certain prepositions. You may also want to research on Phrasal Verbs.

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4d ago

"In" is used to indicate being inside a location or enclosure, while "at" is used to indicate a specific point or location. "In" suggests a more general or enclosed position, while "at" suggests a specific or precise location.

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Q: What is the grammatical difference between in and at?
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There is no grammatical difference. In American English, the "s" is usually omitted, while British speakers and writers tend to leave it on. According to the American Heritage Dictionary, either spelling is correct.

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