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If the planet is a hollow shell, of any thickness but with a hole in the middle,

and the material in the shell is evenly distributed (homogeneous, or of uniform

density), then there is zero gravity anywhere inside the shell.

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3w ago

The gravitational field inside a hollow sphere is zero. This is because the gravitational force from the spherical shell cancels out in all directions, resulting in no net gravitational force at the center or within the sphere.

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12y ago

it's zero

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Q: What is the gravitational field inside a hollow sphere?
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The electrical intensity inside a charged hollow sphere is?

Zero, because the electric field inside a charged hollow sphere is zero. This is due to the Gauss's law and symmetry of the charged hollow sphere, which results in no net electric field inside the sphere.

Why the electric field inside charged hollow sphere zero?

The electric field inside a charged hollow sphere is zero because the net contribution from the charges on the inner surface of the sphere cancels out due to symmetry. This means that the field created by the positive charges is equal and opposite to the field created by the negative charges, resulting in a net field of zero inside the sphere.

What is potential inside the hollow charged sphere?

Inside a hollow charged sphere, the electric potential is constant and zero throughout the interior of the sphere. This is because the electric field due to the charges on the outer surface cancels out within the hollow region, resulting in no work done on a test charge to move it within the hollow sphere.

Where are charges located on a hollow sphere?

Charges on a hollow sphere reside on the outer surface due to mutual repulsion and electrostatic equilibrium. The electric field inside a hollow sphere is zero.

The electric field inside a hollow uniformly charged sphere is zero Does this imply that the potential is zero inside the sphere Explain?

No, the electric field being zero inside a hollow uniformly charged sphere does not necessarily imply that the potential is zero inside. The potential depends on the location of the reference point used to calculate it. If the reference point is chosen at infinity, the potential inside a hollow sphere will not be zero.

Related questions

The electrical intensity inside a charged hollow sphere is?

Zero, because the electric field inside a charged hollow sphere is zero. This is due to the Gauss's law and symmetry of the charged hollow sphere, which results in no net electric field inside the sphere.

Why the electric field inside charged hollow sphere zero?

The electric field inside a charged hollow sphere is zero because the net contribution from the charges on the inner surface of the sphere cancels out due to symmetry. This means that the field created by the positive charges is equal and opposite to the field created by the negative charges, resulting in a net field of zero inside the sphere.

The intensity of the gravitational field inside a hollow spherical shell is?

It is zero.

What is potential inside the hollow charged sphere?

Inside a hollow charged sphere, the electric potential is constant and zero throughout the interior of the sphere. This is because the electric field due to the charges on the outer surface cancels out within the hollow region, resulting in no work done on a test charge to move it within the hollow sphere.

Where are charges located on a hollow sphere?

Charges on a hollow sphere reside on the outer surface due to mutual repulsion and electrostatic equilibrium. The electric field inside a hollow sphere is zero.

The electric field inside a hollow uniformly charged sphere is zero Does this imply that the potential is zero inside the sphere Explain?

No, the electric field being zero inside a hollow uniformly charged sphere does not necessarily imply that the potential is zero inside. The potential depends on the location of the reference point used to calculate it. If the reference point is chosen at infinity, the potential inside a hollow sphere will not be zero.

A sphere of matter held together by its own gravitational field and generating nuclear fission reactions in its interior?

Sounds like a star, but it is nuclear fusion there, not fission A planet is held together by its gravitational field and there is nuclear FISSION going on inside it producing geothermal heat.

What do Several electrons are placed on a hollow metal sphere do?

The electrons will distribute evenly on the surface of the sphere due to their mutual repulsion, creating an electric field that is strongest at the surface and zero inside the sphere. This configuration is stable and the electrons will remain on the sphere as long as there is no external influence.

What will be the electric field intensity at the center of a hollow charged sphere?

The electric field intensity at the center of a hollow charged sphere is zero. This is because the electric field created by the positive charges on one side of the sphere cancels out the electric field created by the negative charges on the other side, resulting in a net electric field of zero at the center.

What is a sphere of matter held together by its own gravitational field and generating nuclear fusion reactions in its interior?

a "star"

A sphere of linear magnetic material is placed in an otherwise uniform magnetic field Bo find the new field inside the sphere?

The new field inside the sphere will be weaker than the external field due to the magnetic properties of the material. The ratio between the internal and external fields can be determined by the material's magnetic susceptibility. The field inside the sphere will be B = Bo / (1 + χ), where Bo is the external field and χ is the magnetic susceptibility of the material.

Why the charge inside a conducting sphere is null?

Inside a conducting sphere, the electric field is zero due to the symmetry of the charge distribution. Any excess charge placed inside would cause the charges to rearrange themselves in such a way that cancels out the internal field, resulting in a net charge of zero inside the sphere. This is known as the principle of electrostatic shielding.