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depends on the size of your boner

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Q: What is the greatest temperature swing ever recorded in the lower 48 states?
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What was the largest earthquake ever recorded in the lower 48 states?

New Madrid Missouri

Coldest place in lower 48 states?

Fraser, Colorado is the coldest place in the lower 48 states with an average mean temperature of 32.5 degrees Fahrenheit.

What happens to the speed of a particle as temperature decreases?

The speed of a particle decreases with decreasing temperature. Decreasing temperature is associated with lower energy states, and the particle will have a lower energy state. It will be moving with less kinetic energy.

What is the lowest temperature ever recorded in Greece?

The lowest recorded temperature in a city was -27.8 Celsius at the city of Ptolemaida (Northern Greece) on 27/01/1967. However due to the country's mountainous terain lower temperatures are likely that occured but never been recorded due to the lack of monitoring stations in remote mountainous areas.

Taking heat out of the air will do what to the temperature?

Removing heat from the air will lower its temperature.

What effect does adding a solute have on the boiling of solution?

The solution freezes at a lower temperature and boils at a higher temperature.

Will temperature be higher or lower in a mountain?

it is lower temperature when you to mountain,because its cold there

What can cause matter to change states?

Anything at high enough temperature and/or low enough pressure will turn into a "higher" state. Solids being the lowest then liquids, gases, and then plasma. The reverse is also true; If you place anything under enough pressure it will become a "lower" state , If you lower somethings temperature enough it will also "lower" in the "ranking" of states. Sorry if this is a over kill answer.

What will happen if the ignition temperature is lower than the room temperature?

If the ignition temperature of a substance is lower than the room temperature where it is, then that substance ignites.

Are the temperature of the moon are higher or lower than the earth?

the temperature of the earth is lower than the Earth.

What is temperature lower -7 or -2?
