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Q: What is the greek noun which means knowledge of spiritual mysteries?
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What is the root or prefix for wisdom or knowledge?

The root for wisdom or knowledge is "soph" from the Greek word "sophia," which means wisdom.

What is the meaining of the word talisman?

This from Wikipedia:from Arabic طلاسم tilasm, ultimately from Greek telesma or from the Greek word "telein" which means "to initiate into the mysteries"

What does spiritual works of mercy mean?

It means to acquire spiritual knowledge for yourself and then distribute it to others. By giving to others you will receive more yourself. Google Mahamantra to find out the best means of spiritual enlightenment for this age..

How do you pronounce and write Know in Greek know in the context of knowledge learning or discovering?

The word for knowledge in Greek is gnosis. It also means wisdom or learning.

What is the etymological background of genealogy?

The word "genealogy" is of Greek origin. It comes from the Greek words "genea", which means "generation", and "logos", which means "knowledge."

What does the root gno mean?

The root "gno" comes from the Greek word "gnosis," which means knowledge. Words derived from this root often relate to knowing or knowledge, such as "agnostic" (without knowledge) or "diagnose" (to identify a problem through knowledge).

What does the name Rhea mean?

Rhea is an outgoing spiritual person. Rhea means in Greek flowing, it's the name of an Indian singer and a Greek goddess.

What is another word for enlighten?

educateEnlighten means to give greater knowledge or insight. It often refers to spiritual knowledge. There are other words that are technically synonyms but do not carry the same spiritual connotations. Synonyms include educate, counsel, advise, and elucidate.

Is an agnostic a know-it-all?

Quite the reverse, an agnostic lacks knowledge of god's existence or non-existence (and often claims that having such knowledge is impossible). The word "agnostic" literally means "one who lacks spiritual knowledge".

Philosophy can be defined as the love of what?

Philosophy can be defined as the love of knowledge or wisdom. The word Philosophy is greek and consists of the words 'philo' and 'Sophia'.Philo means "loving", Sophia means "knowledge or wisdom"

What does the root word Sophia mean in greek?

The Greek root word of the name Sophia is wisdom.

What doea the name Tiffany mean?

The name Tiffany is of Greek origin and it means "manifestation of God" or "appearance of God". It is often associated with someone who is radiant, divine, or has a spiritual presence.