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Q: What is the greek word for enthusiasm?
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What word developed from greek words that means inspiration?

The word "enthusiasm" originated from the Greek words "en," meaning within, and "theos," meaning god. It signifies a divine or inspired quality that spurs enthusiasm or passion.

What is En theos?

Literally 'En theos' is the English language equivalent of the Greek words which mean 'in God.' Furthermore, the word Enthusiasm, arrives from the greek word enthusia, which by turn arrives from the word En theos. so when we say that we feel enthusiasm, it means that at that moment we feel like we have God inside us. In Greek letters: En Theos= Εν Θεός, Enthusiasm=Ενθουσιασμός

What Greek word does enthusiasm come from?

ἐνθουσιασμός, from ἔνθεος ("possessed by a god"), from ἐν ("in") + θεός ("god").

What is the Hindi word for enthusiasm?

"Utsaah" is the Hindi word for enthusiasm. "उत्साह"

What part of speech is the word enthusiasm?

Enthusiasm is a noun.

What word did enthusiastically come from?

The root word "enthusiasm" comes from the Greek entheos(en + theos, in, or caused by god), the word having been originally used for religious zeal.

What is enthusiasm?

The word enthusiasm means intense enjoyment or interest.

What does enthusiam mean in latin?

The word "Enthusiasm" is from the Greek word enthousiasmos, which literally means "possession by a god". The word enthusiastae (i.e., "enthusiasts") was applied in Latin to a fourth-century heretical religious sect.

Is enthusiasm a abstract or concrete?

The noun 'enthusiasm' is an abstract noun; a word for an emotion.

How do you spell unthuiacly?

The word is either:enthusiastically - done with enthusiasm or passionunenthusiastically - without enthusiasm

What is the root word of unenthusiastically?

The root word is the Greek word theos (god), which became the noun enthusiasm and the adjective enthusiastic(entheos, "having a god within"). The formation of the shorter verb form "to enthuse" is a 19th Century Americanism.The word uses the adjective form of enthusiasm -asticconnected by al to the adverb suffix -ly (in that manner), and the negative prefix un- (not).Un-enthusiastic-al-ly : in a manner which suggests the person is not acting with enthusiasm, half-heartedly.

Is enthusiasm an adverb?

No, the word enthusiasm is a state of being. If it were in its form, enthusiastically, it would be an adverb.