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Ασημί [asimEE] or ασημένιος [asimEnios]

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Q: What is the greek word for silver?
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What does ariana mean in greek?

It is not a Greek word; it is Welsh for "silver". Así̱mi is the Greek equivalent for "silver".

What does ag mean in the periodic table?

Ag is the chemical symbol for the element silver; it is derived from either the Latin or ancient Greek word for silver (I can't remember which).

What is the latin word for hydrargyrum?

Latinized Greek: hydrargyrum, from "hydr-" meaning watery or runny and "argyros" meaning silver

What is the Swedish word for silver?

The Swedish word for 'silver' is silver.

What is the greek word for egg?

the greek word for egg is: avgo

What is the Greek word for experience?

The Greek word for experience is εμπειρία (empeiría).

What is the reason for the symbol Ag?

The chemical symbol Ag is from the Latin word for "silver", argentum (compare Greek άργυρος, árgyros), from the Indo-European root *arg-, meaning "white" or "shining". Silver has been known since ancient times.

Was there silver greek helmets?

Silver and gold are too soft. They may have had silver or gold inlay...decorations.

What is the Greek word for golf?

There is no Greek word for golf. We use the word ''golf'' or in Greek letters ''Γκόλφ''.

What is the word for jeans in Greek?

There is no word for jeans in Greek. We use the word ''jeans'' or in Greek letters τζίνς.

What is the Greek word for turtle?

The greek word for animal is zodiac. The greek word for turtle is still unknown.

What does the word collo mean in Greek?

In Greek, the word "collo" does not have a specific meaning. It is not a Greek word.