

What is the greek word of nitrogen?

Updated: 9/19/2023
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Q: What is the greek word of nitrogen?
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What does nitrogen mean in latin?

"Nitrogen" is actually from Greek sources, not Latin. It was coined in 1790 from nitron, an ancient word for sodium carbonate (from Egyptian ntr), and the suffix -genmeaning "giving birth to".

Why was nitrogen named what it is?

it was named from greek

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The word 'azote' is French for nitrogen. It's the name that was given to nitrogen by pioneering French scientist Antoine-Laurent de Lavoisier [26.viii.1743-8.v.1794]. The word comes from the Greek words for 'without life'.

What language did the name nitrogen come from?

The English word "nitrogen" comes from the French nitrogène, which was coined in 1790 by French chemist Jean-Antoine Chaptal. It in turn comes from the Greek "nitron," meaning "sodium carbonate" and from the French "-gène," "producing" derived from Greek "-genes," meaining "producer," or"begetter".

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Daniel Rutherford discovered nitrogen, but he first called it noxious air. The name Nitrogen comes from the Greek word "nitron genes" meaning "nitre" and "forming" and the Latin word "nitrum".

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Nitorgen is named greek root Game.

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