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completely nothing more than normal green d hide just looks cooler :)

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Q: What is the green d'hide gold-trimmed set do in runescape?
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Runescape how to get full green dragon gold trimmetgold hide armor?

you can buy the whole set from the grand exchange in varrock in f2p

How do you open a green dragonhide set on runescape?

If you received a green d hide set ( boxed ) form the Grand Exchange, then you simply right-click the G.E clerk, then click sets. Once you have done that, right-click your box and click exchange, sorted.

How much money do you have to get before the money goes green on runescape?

Money never goes green on RuneScape. The gold coins are, in fact, the only currency and never change color. In our modern world we have coins that add up to green bills---in medieval times, there were no such paper bills. Money was always gold---literally. As RS was set in medieval times, the same is true for it.

How do you put together a cannon on RuneScape?

Click Set-up cannon stand. Your RuneScape character will automatically set up the rest.

What level does your range have to be to wear green dragon hide blessed set in runescape?

ok it is not 40 u need 70 ranged to wear b/c it is blessed.

Is there a Satan orical set in RuneScape?

no and there probably wont be

What is the most expensive armor on runescape?

Torva set

How do you play RuneScape when parental controls blocks it?

Ask your parents, or whoever set up the parental controls, to enable RuneScape.

How do you get black knight set in runescape?

You can buy it on the Grand Exchange.

How do you set up a runescape multiplier?

Depends in what you mean by multiplier

Can you own 2 cannons in RuneScape?

Yes you can own as many cannons in runescape. But it will only let you set out one cannon only.

Is the Satan oracle armor real on RuneScape?

There is no such armour in RuneScape. If such a set existed, it would a) exist on the Grand Exchange, and b) have an article on the RuneScape Wikipedia (both official and unofficial Wikis).