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pretty small penis

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Q: What is the gross meaning of PSP tat guys ALWAYS say do u have a PSP 2 girls n girls r lyk ew?
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Why do girls consider guys childish?

Because guys do gross immature things

Do guys find it gross if girls have sweaty hands?

Yes. Because I'm pretty sure girls find it gross if the guys have sweaty hands. Unfortunately .. yes.

Why can guys do gross things but girls cant?

Social and gender stereotyping.

Why when guys kiss it's gross but when girls kiss it's ok?

Not all guys kissing is gross, just sometimes but its because they are unsure how and slobber a bit. But its not really gross its kind of funny. Girls kissing is okay cause they go for it short and easy instead of trying to make out! It's the way you see it. Not everyone sees it the same way as you ! A gay guy would think guys kissing is OK, but maybe not with girls kissing, whereas a straight guy will think guys kissing is gross, but girls kissing exciting !

How do guys like a girl to smell?

Guys like girls to smell nice and not sweaty or anything gross just smell nice and us guys will love you

Why do guys look at girls do they like her?

not always but sumtimes

What do guys do to flirt with girls?

They always make you laugh and want to always be around you

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As always, it depends on the guys taste and/or style. Stereotypically, scene guys will go for scene girls. So on and so forth.

Why are guys always love leading girls on when they don't actually like them?

Guys use love to get sex and Girls use sex to get love!

Why do guys ask girls to marry them insteads of woman?

That's just always been the tradition, but girls do somtimes ask guys to Mary them.

Girls like guys confidence?

Of course they do! Confidence is always key! Always remember that!!

Why Do girls like girlish guys?

they don't always, sometimes girls like a real man