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Q: What is the ground-state electron configuration expected for beryllium?
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What is the ground-state electron configuration expected for beryllium?

1s2 2s2 2p1 or 2, 3

How many protons neutrons and electrons are in element beryllium?

Beryllium should be expected to have a charge of 2+ as is expected of all the elements in Group 2 of the periodic table. But its behavior is somewhat different than other Group 2 elements because it has so few electrons. This element tends to form covalent bonds.All nuclei have a positive charge.So beryllium-9 has a positive charge.

What is the ground state electron configuration for silicon and what is the actual ground state electron configuration for copper?

The expected ground-state electron configuration of copper is ; however, the actual configuration is because a full dsubshell is particularly stable. There are 18 other anomalous elements for which the actual electron configuration is not what would be expected.

What is the ground-state electron configuration expected for kr?

Kr is 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d104p6

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Write the expected ground-state electron configuration for the alkaline earth metal after radium?

You think probably at Unbinilium (120Ubn) an element not still obtained. The supposed electron configuration of Ubn will be [Uuo]7s2.

What is the electrical charge of beryllium ion?

Beryllium should be expected to have a charge of 2+ as is expected of all the elements in Group 2 of the Periodic Table. But its behavior is somewhat different than other Group 2 elements because it has so few electrons. This element tends to form covalent bonds.All nuclei have a positive charge.So beryllium-9 has a positive charge.

Would you expect the second electron gain enthalpy of O as positive more negative or less negative than the first Justify your answer?

The second electron gain of an oxygen atom would be expected to be less negative. The reason for this outcome is that the oxygen atom gaining a second electron already has one electron and thus a negative charge. This negative charge repels the second electron to some extent, making the enthalpy of this process less negative than when the first electron was added to the neutral oxygen atom.

Who has higher electron affinity between bromine and Iodine?

According to Zumdahl, Group 7A elements (halogens) follow the expected behavior or periodicity as you follow top to bottom. The numbers (top to bottom) are getting closer to 0, so they are decreasing in electron affinity. Bromine has a higher negative # therefore it is a higher electron affinity.---papajohn

What elements does berkelium usually bond with?

Many elements, beryllium has an extensive chemistry.

Referring only to the periodic table what is the number of covalent bonds expected for the element H?

Hydrogen only has one electron so it will form only one bond

What is an anomalous electron configuration?

When the electronic configuration of any element is not the same as we expected, it is known as anomalous EC. For Eg Cromium, Copper and heavier d and f block elements.