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According to Zumdahl, Group 7A elements (halogens) follow the expected behavior or periodicity as you follow top to bottom. The numbers (top to bottom) are getting closer to 0, so they are decreasing in electron affinity. Bromine has a higher negative # therefore it is a higher electron affinity.---papajohn

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Q: Who has higher electron affinity between bromine and Iodine?
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Which has higher electron affinity Iodine or bromine?

Bromine has a higher electron affinity.

Does Iodine have less electron affinity than fluorine?

Yes. It's true. Chlorine has the highest electron affinity, then Fluorine, Bromine and Iodine

Why iodine is less reactive than bromine?

Bromine has more nuclear charge as compared to iodine. So, bromine easily attracts an electron and hence more reactive.

Why is iodine larger than bromine?

Iodine's electron configuration is 2, 8, 18, 18, 7; bromine's is 2, 8, 18, 7. At the simplest level of modelling there is one more electron shell occupying space in an iodine atom than in one of bromine.

What groups of elements tend to have the strongest election affinity?

The Halogens, Fluorine, Chlorine, Bromine, Iodine and Astatine.

Why are fluorine chlorine bromine and iodine placed in the same group?

Fluorine, chlorine bromine and iodine have seven electrons in their valence shells, and they all need one electron to have stabilized electron configuration. Therefore they are grouped in Group 17 (halogen group) of periodic table.

Why has bromine got a bigger atomic radius than iodine?

Bromine has a SMALLER atomic radius because it has one more electron shell than Iodine. On the periodic table, atomic radius of an atom decreases across a period and increases down a group. Since Bromine and Iodine are in the same group, you know Bromine has a smaller atomic radius because it is in a lower period.

Can iodine displace bromine?

No. Bromine is more reactive than iodine. Therefore, bromine will displace iodine.

What is a halogen in period 4?

Bromine is in 4th period of periodic table.

The element iodine is a halogen True or false?

No,. The halogens will gain 1 electron when they react if electrons are exchanged.

why electronegativity of iodine is more than bromine?

is it so? Bromine is more electronegetive than Iodine

What is the largest atom bromine fluorine iodine chlorine?
