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Q: What is the group being killed in Darfur?
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Who is being killed in darfur?

the janjaweed is killing the black tribe in darfur and they are supported by the sudan governoment

Whose getting killed the Darfur genocide?

mostly innocent Darfur public

How many U.S. died in the Darfur genocide?

No evidence of US soldiers killed in Darfur. Many peace keepers soldiers from different countries reported to be killed.

What affects does genocide have on Darfur?

It killed innocent Darfur people, injured them, displaced them, sent them to exile in Chad, destroyed their habitats and livings

How were the victims of the genocide in darfur murdered?

The people of Darfur are being raped, looted, shot, children thrown in fires, and dead remains thrown in wells poisoning the water for the Darfur refugees who escaped the Janjaweed attacks.

How many children have been killed during the war in darfur?

Yo mama ok man

Is anything being done about the Darfur?

they should all die

The group of people who were in the most danger of being killed by the Nazis was the?

they were the poles (polish)

What where the different groups of the Darfur genocide?

Rebel Darfur group at the beginning. Janjaweed militia sponsored by Sudanese government, by Umar al Bashir the culprit. BASHIR convicted at Hague

Why is there a famine in darfur?

The People of Darfur have been running up and down trying to escape the civil war that was/is being fought between the Darfur rebel groups and the Government of Sudan,under the presidency of Omar Hassan Al-Bashir. In 2003,some rebel groups In Darfur rebeld against the Government of Sudan,complaining of being neglected by the Central Government,and also struggling for power . As the rebel leaders struggle to fight Omar Hassan Al-Bashir's Government for being negleted,Al-Bashir because of fear of threat from the Darfur rebels,in retaliation he armed the "Janjaweed group" to kill the Darfuris ( 300,000 Darfuris died since 2003,and the US Government in 2004 had termed it as a genocide). So the Darfur people have got no time to cultivate or practice agriculture.Secondly,the Darfur region is a hot desert area,hence it does not favour agriculture.

Is there genocide in darfur?

YES. Genocide is the deliberate extermination of a political, racial, color, ect. group. This is exactly what is going on in Darfur. People in Sudan who are black and NOT Muslim, are being killed. I am not saying that Muslims are bad, but that it is an Islamic majority, that can only be counted as a handful of all Muslims, in control of Sudan that is responsible for the genocide. I must stress that not all people of the Islamic faith are bad and think this way, just these handfuls. The same would go for Christianity and the Westboro Baptist Church

Where is the Darfur Branch Library in Darfur located?

The address of the Darfur Branch Library is: 200 Adrian St., Darfur, 56022 0191