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Depending on the species, the habitat range of the wombat varies from the southern part of Queensland, Tasmania, South Australia, Victoria, and NSW, and the southwestern corner of Western Australia. They range from grasslands to mountains and hillsides - wherever they can dig burrows and find food. They tend not to be found in desert regions, because there is insufficient food.

Wombats dig burrows in which to live. Burrows average about 50 cm high by 50 cm wide, just enough width for the wombat and nothing else. This is because, if threatened, a wombat can present just its padded backside to a predator, and the predator has no way of grabbing hold of the wombat or penetrating its thickened hide.

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Q: What is the habitat range of wombats?
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How do Wombats hunt for food?

Wombats are herbivores and mainly feed on grasses, roots, and bark. They do not actively hunt for food as they are primarily grazers. Wombats are nocturnal animals and use their keen sense of smell to search for vegetation to eat during the night.

Do wombats live in Africa?

No, there are no wombats in Africa. Wombats are native to Australia alone.

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There are no wombats in Africa. Wombats are native to Australia alone.

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Baby wombats live in their mother's pouch. Wombats are marsupials.

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Are wombats in the rat family?

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