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Q: What is the hard covering on some animals body?
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What is the hard covering on the outside of some animals body's?


What is the hard outer covering that supports and protects some animals without backbone?


What do some animals have for hard covering from the outside?


What is the hard covering on the outside of some animals' bodies?


Which animals have scaly body covering?

some fish and some reptiles

How does seed protect itself from insect?

Some seeds have an outer covering which makes it hard for insects and animals to get into. Sunflower seeds have a hard outer shell to protect itself from predators.

How does an armadillos body covering help it survive?

Will an armadillos body can protect its self because there skin is made up of some really good hard protecting chemicals and that is the answer for you!!

How Do Animals In Cold Countries Keep Warm?

Animals in cold countries keep warm since they have a thick covering of skin or feathers. Some animals hibernate during cold seasons in order to conserve body heat and energy.

What is the hard covering on the outside of some animal bodies?


what is body covering of vertebrates?

Some have fur while some have scales

What are some of the platypus's body coverings?

Platypuses have a body covering of velvety fur.

What type of noun is armor?

The noun 'armor' (British spelling 'armour') is a common, concrete, uncountable noun; a word for a metal covering formerly worn by soldiers to protect the body in battle; layers of hard metal that cover a military vehicle to protect it from attack; hard layers that cover the bodies of some animals, such as a rhinoceros or an armadillo.