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Q: What is the hardness in middle of ribcage not painful?
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Is tattooing on the ribcage really painful?

no not at all!!

Does hypoplastic 12th rib cause pain around the ribcage?

Yes, having a hypoplastic 12th rib certainly can cause pain around the ribcage. While this is not painful for everyone, it can cause pressure on the surrounding tissue and create a kind of bruising sensation.

How is the brown soft face hammer insert classified per the hardness matrix?

It was near the middle of the hardness matrix.

Do ferrets have a ribcage?

Ferrets do have a ribcage

Where about is the heart in your body?

Your heart is about the size of your fist. It is located at about your left breast. Be sure to know that it is not in the middle of your chest. It is actually tucked into your ribcage.

Your golden retriever has a painful lump on left ribcage?

it could be as minor as a calcium deposit that will go away on its own, or it could be something as severe as a tumor. You should have a vet take a look at it!

What is an open and closed ribcage?

that means your ribcage is open and is showing

Is a long bone the ribcage?

The ribcage doesn't include any long bones.

What organs protect the rib cage?

Well, to answer the question directly, skin protects the ribcage. If the question reversed (what organs does the ribcage protect?), then my answer would be that the ribcage primarily protects the heart and lungs, although it does protect the spleen and, to a lesser extent, the liver and stomach.

What part of the body is protected by the ribcage?

Your ribcage protects your heart, lungs, spleen, liver, and part of your intestines.

Who protect lungs?


What are your lung protected by?

Your ribcage.