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There is no such function as gotoxy(). It was originally a standard function in conio.h, used to set the console cursor position, but it was deprecated because it was non-portable. While it may still exist in older C compilers, its usage would be frowned upon today and no known C or C++ compiler should support such a function these days.

You are free to "roll your own" version of the function, of course. The following version works on Windows only. But given how little it actually adds to what already exists, and its non-portable nature it hardly seems worthwhile.

#include <stdio.h>

#include <conio.h>

#include <windows.h>

// Standard version:

void gotoxy( COORD c )


SetConsoleCursorPosition( GetStdHandle( STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE ), c );


// Overloaded version emulating original gotoxy function:

void gotoxy( int x, int y )

{COORD c;c.X = x;c.Y = y;

gotoxy( c ); // call standard version


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conio.h (when in doubt, always use help: F1)

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Q: What is the header file for gotoxy in c?
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Which header file is used for gotoxy function in turbo c plus plus?

It's in conio.h, but don't use gotoxy. Use SetCursorPosition() instead.

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C programs do not require header files. If you want a C program without header files, you can simply not create them. However, you may or may not be able to include your non-header file source files.

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Look for typedef in it, but I don't think you will find any.

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Use a text-editor.

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For start: they are header files.

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There is no system header called share.h, but if there were, it would be: #include &lt;share.h&gt;

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The source file must include the header file. Beyond that we can only guess at the problem without seeing the content of the source and header files. Do not post the files here. Such questions are better handled by the many C programming forums available elsewhere on the Internet.

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Create the header file as a .h file in the same way you create a source file, .c and place it in the same directory as the .c files. To incorporate it, use the... #include "my_header_file.h" ... directive. Note that there are double quotes instead of greater/less signs. This tells the compiler to look first in the source directory.

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