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Cp (liquid molasses) = 1775 J/kg∙K

Rouillard, E. E. A., (1985), "A study of boiling parameters under conditions of liminar non-Newtonian flow with particular reference to massecuite boiling". PhD thesis University of Natal.

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Q: What is the heat capacity value of molasses?
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Why the experimental value of specific heat capacity is higher than the standars value?

Experimental errors would cause the experimental value of specific heat capacity to be higher than the standard value.

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This value is 36,79 kJ/mol.

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Heat capacity is a function of temperature so there is no single value that is valid at all temperatures. That said, The heat capacity ranges from about 680 to about 730 J/kg·K. If you just estimate it as 700 J/kg·K you won't be far off.

How is heat capacity a path function?

Heat capacity is NOT a path function. It is a STATE function. It depends on the phase of the material, the temperature and the pressure. Usually heat capacity is known at some particular condition and then a calculation is required to estimate it at the condition of interest. Performing these calculations should always result in the same final value no matter the path you took to get to the value - hence it is a STATE function rather than PATH. Path functions would be things like WORK and HEAT (for which the state function "heat capacity" might be used in the calculations)

The energy needed to melt or boil 1kg of a substance by 1C?

The value depends on the material being heated. This value is called the specific heat capacity, or just specific heat for short.

What factor most influence the amount of energy needed to change the temperature of a substance?

specific heat capacity

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If a body of water has a high heat capacity, it can store more thermal energy making it a good heat sink.

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How heat is a path function?

Heat capacity is NOT a path function. It is a STATE function. It depends on the phase of the material, the temperature and the pressure. Usually heat capacity is known at some particular condition and then a calculation is required to estimate it at the condition of interest. Performing these calculations should always result in the same final value no matter the path you took to get to the value - hence it is a STATE function rather than PATH. Path functions would be things like WORK and HEAT (for which the state function "heat capacity" might be used in the calculations)

Is the heat capacity of a body the same as its specific heat capacity?

The heat capacity depends on the mass of a material and is expressed in j/K.The specific heat capacity not depends on the mass of a material and is expressed in j/mol.K.