

What is the highest amount of Supervisors a category can have?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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12 at the absolute maximum, any more can cause reaction.

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Q: What is the highest amount of Supervisors a category can have?
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Uncategorized supervisor could mean, a supervisor for the uncategorized section, or a floating supervisor, which floats around to different categorizes and supervises them.A supervisor who handles that category on

Which WikiAnswers category has the most supervisors?

The "Math" category with eight Supervisors.

What are the roles of a Category Supervisor?

Category Supervisors differ from Floating Supervisors, as they are responsible for overseeing a particular category (or categories in some cases). They have no extra abilities, but mainly focus on their category.

Are there any two supervisors of any one category?

There are many times when there are two or more supervisors on any one category. For example, there are several supervisors in the nursing category including a charge nurse and an administrative nurse.

Do you get to choose what category you want to supervise when you are a supervisor?

Sometimes. If there are already enough supervisors in a given category, you may be able to supervise a sub-category or another category. There are also "floating" supervisors, who are generalists that have basically the same powers as category supervisors, but just help out wherever they're needed.

Are category Supervisors restricted to supervising only their categories on WikiAnswers?

No, not in the least. All WikiAnswers Supervisors have the same influence in every category. Category Supervisors usually spend more time in their respective categories, but are in no way restricted to where they can contribute.

Why can't floating supervisors supervise a category?

Well, they can... but then they become Category Supervisors. There isn't really a reason, only that we have different names for the different kinds of supervisors... ones that like to supervise specific areas are Category Supervisors, and ones who like to float over the whole site and work in a lot of places are called Floating Supervisors.

What can a Category Supervisor do that a Floating Supervisor cannot?

The only thing a Category Supervisor has that a Floating Supervisor does not is something on their profile that says the category(ies) they supervise, the category supervisor badge, and their username on the category that they supervise. Floating Supervisors and Category Supervisors still have the same super powers and abilities - Category Supervisors just have the fame of supervising a category, albeit it takes more responsibility.

What time commitment is there for a Category Supervisor?

There are no time commitments for supervisors on WikiAnswers! Supervisors are volunteers and are encouraged to enjoy whatever they do and have fun on the site without having a minimum amount of time that must be spent on WikiAnswers!

Could two Category Supervisors supervise the same subcategory?

There can actually be a multiple number of supervisors in one category, I've once seen 4 supervisors in one category! But it depends on how busy the category is, sometimes and usually the category may need more then just 1 supervisor for one category of interest. So there are usually a multiple number of supervisors, supervising a category. But usually less than 5, but hey, the more the merrier!

Who is the supervisor of the 'Questions about WikiAnswers' category?

The supervisors for the 'Questions about WikiAnswers' category are Kamuna and Dino10.

Is it possible to switch from being a Category Supervisor to being a Floating Supervisor?

Yes, Category Supervisors and Floating Supervisors can change their Supervisor status by contacting a Community Assistant.