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The highest earthquake on the Richter scale was in Val diva, Chile the magnitude was 9.5 in 1960

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Q: What is the highest earthquake according to the Richtor Scale?
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Do you still use the richtor scale?

Yes we still use the richtor scale today,, to find the force of the earthquake.

What did the Japan earthquake on the fifteenth of March measure on the richtor scale?


What is the richtor scale?

the scale used to measure the intensity of earthquakes

What is the magnitude estimate of 11.2?

The Richtor scale only goes to 10. If you are talking about from the Mercalli scale then it is about 9.3ish on the Richtor scale

What is the highest earthquake reading?

The highest earthquake reading on the Richter scale is 9.5 when an earthquake struck Chilie

Which volcano is causing the largest recorded earthquakes?

The Puyehue Volcano along the coast of Chile caused a 9.5 earthquake on the Richtor Scale. This happened on May 22, 1960.

When was the last earthquake in the state of Maryland?

it was few weeks back in July 2010 in Washington D.C.,although it wasn`t very high on the Richtor scale it was only a point 3, there was no damage.

Why do lower magnitude earthquakes cause more damage than higher ones?

Earthquakes with lower magnitude can cause more damage than higher ranking earthquakes because sometimes the buildings are easier to break in some areas than others for example : an earthquake with a 6 on the richtor scale in Texas may do more damage than a 7 on the richtor scale in California.

Which earthquake recorded at the highest rating on the Richter scale in the 20th century?

actually, the highest rating was an earthquake in Chili, coming in on a 9.5

How many different levels are measured on an Earthquake scale?

The Richter magnitude scale measures the energy released during an earthquake. That scale is a base 10 logarithmic scale with 9.9 being the highest and strongest an earthquake has been in known human history.

Which Place measured the highest earthquake in Richter scale in the year 2010?


Was the Haitian earthquake the 2nd highest ever on the Richter scale?

No. The second highest earthquake magnitude (depending on the source of the information) was either the Boxing Day 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake (magnitude 9.1 - 9.3) or the 1964 Alaskan earthquake (magnitude 9.2). The Haitian Earthquake in January 2010 had a Richter magnitude of 7.2.