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Q: What is the highest level in a food chain?
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Which member of food chain would have the highest level of DDT in animals body?

Top carnivores.

Is the basic level in food chain?

The basic level of the food chain is the producer level. This level contains plants that make their own food.

Which trophic level contains the most available food energy?

On an ecological pyramid or in a food chain, typically, the highest trophic levels have the least amount of energy from the sun available for the next highest level. In a typical food chain, this would be the tertiary consumer level.

In what part of the food chain is the orangutan?

Second level of the food chain.

Which level of the food chain at which an organism is found is known as its?

what level of the food chain at which an organism is found is known as its?

What place is the savanna hawk in the food chain?

right after it eats the snake it is the highest on the food chain

What are fertiary consumers?

A carnivore at the highest level of the food chain. It eats only other carnivores and is usually the top predator in an ecosystem

What is the trophic level of the bird?

The trophic level is where an organism falls on the food chain. Most birds fall on the highest level, trophic level 4.

What eats the Arctic wolf?

no other animal eats an arctic wolf because it is in the highest level of the food chain. It will only die due to reasons such as age, hunger, thirst etc.No other animal eats the Arctic wolf because it's the highest in the food chain so that means its the highest predator

What level do secondary consumers belong to on a food chain?

They are the third level of the food chain. The two levels that are before it is the producers and primary consumer.