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BDSM as a practice is widely perceived as having arisen during the nineteenth century, primarily as a response to the official repression of sexuality and the sex drive. With such an obsessive focus on sex, it was only natural that as people considered their own sexual impulses, the need to act on those impulses arose. However since flagellation as a sexual practice was widespread in the Eighteenth century, with depictions of it in the novel Fanny Hill as well as the writings of the Marquis De Sade, it is arguable that the practice really existed prior to the 1800s. Indeed elements of its psychological components have probably always been around, but only with the increase in mass media during the modern age such as the widespread printing of books, did knowledge of the practice go beyond being limited to an individual's private sphere. Certainly though the development of cameras and later film, as well as specialist magazines slowly allowed BDSM to emerge from the shadows as practitioners got to know one another and form groups and societies in what can be seen as BDSM's coming of age.

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BBC is not much of a BDSM term.

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There is no exact statistic on the percentage of lesbian individuals in the BDSM community as sexual orientation is not always fully disclosed. However, research suggests that lesbian, bisexual, and queer individuals are represented in the BDSM community, as are people of various sexual orientations.

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Everyone who is into BDSM is into for there own reason. The use of it is to make people happy and to make there life better. Some do it just for the fun of it on weekends and some live 24/7 in the life. There is no one way that is right to do BDSM, its just what works for each person.

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both of them

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marks after brutal bdsm sessions

What do nipple clamps do?

_____ ^^used in BDSM and bondage (Y)

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Bondage , disiplende , sadomasochism

Are there any BDSM sites for asexual that is not fetlifecom?

Yes, there are online communities specifically for asexual individuals interested in BDSM. One example is Aces in Bondage, which provides a space for asexual individuals to explore BDSM interests and connect with like-minded individuals. Another option is the Asexual Agenda, a blog and forum that discusses various aspects of asexuality, including BDSM.

Why does husband belong to internet bdsm sites?

It is just their fasination.