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Q: What is the history of technopreneurship?
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What is a technopreneurship?

Technopreneurship came from the two different words namely technology and enterpreneurship. Its about business strategy or to selling an items, like for example of an items are the program, system, software etc.

What are the role of technopreneurship in economic development?

1. It contributes to the growth of the economy.

What is the difference between technopreneurship and entrepreneurship?

Technopreneurship: A person who destroy the existing economic order (creative destruction) by introducing new products and services, by creating new forms of organizations and by exploiting new raw materials (Schumpeter, 1934) Entrepreneurship: Creative destruction, dynamic disequilibrium brought on by the innovating entrepreneur rather than equilibrium and optimization is the norm of a healthy economy and the central reality of economic theory and practice (Schumpeter, 1934)

What is technopreneurship?

The term "techonpreneurship" refers to entrepeneurs who make money in the technological fields, such as computer software/hardware, social networks and internet based businesses.

How outsourcing given a boost to technopreneurship?

One must know that technopreneurship is a process where high-tech skills meet entrepreneurship. Outsourcing has made it possible for tech-savvy startups with little capital to evolve their ideas by helping them access cheaper cost of creating an innovative product. Outsourcing has made it possible for small names to compete with large and popular tech industries out there. Now, a variety of tech talents can be outsourced - from Asia, Eastern Europe to the Latin Americas.


Entrepreneurship is important because it has the ability to improve standards of living and create wealth, not only for the entrepreneurs, but also for related businesses. Entrepreneurs also help with innovation, where new and improved products enable new markets to be developed.

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It means - history repeats itself