

What is the honey bee's senses?

Updated: 9/17/2023
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14y ago

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The senses of the Honey Bee include sight, taste, smell and touch. Honey Bees can smell very well. The kinds of smells a honey bee will react strongest to are actually pheromones. Pheromones often come from other bees like the queen, or drones but can also come from nearby plants that are flowering and pollinating. Bees can see, but not as well as we people do. Honey bees eyes' have developed differently than ours, so they see differently. Meaning they don't see all the same colors of the rainbow that we do, they see less. A honey bees sense of taste is much the same as ours is, that is they can differentiate between sweet, salty, sour and bitter. (We humans have four main tastes and two others: sweet, salty, sour, bitter, umami, and water (umami is a taste reminiscent of broths or MSG)). Honey bees sense of touch is a little different than ours too. They can feel vibrations in the air much better than we can. Ever tried licking your finger to tell the direction of the wind? How well does that work? Well a honey bee can tell the direction of the wind flow, if there's a big dangerous chainsaw nearby enough to cut down their tree, or if it's about to rain.

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