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loop of Henle

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Q: What is the horse shaped segment of the nephron?
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The U-shaped segment of the nephron is the?

The most distal portion of the nephron is the

What is the portion of the nephron that empties into the collecting duct?

The distal convoluted tubule is the portion of the nephron that empties into the collecting ducts. It is the last segment of the nephron.

In which segment of the nephron does tubular fluid have the highest osmolality?

Henles loop

What segment of the nephron loop participates in active transport of salts?


What is the cup-shaped part of the nephron?

The cup-shaped part of the nephron is called the renal (or Bowman's) capsule. It is located at the beginning of the nephron and surrounds the glomerulus, which is a network of capillaries. The renal capsule helps in the filtration of blood and the formation of urine.

What is the expanded end of a nephron?

The expanded end of a nephron is called the bowman's capsule. It is a cup-shaped structure that serves as a filter to remove waster from the body.

In which segment of the nephron would you find cuboidal cells with many microvilli and mitochondria?

The Proximal Convoluted Tubule

The Segment of the nephron that is not permeable to water even in the presence of vasopressin is called what?

The Ascending limb of the loop of Henle

What C-shaped structure in the nephron surrounds the glomerulus?

Bowman's Capsule

Why are seahorses shaped like a horse?

Only the head of a seahorse is shaped like a horse, and it is coincidential.

Does equinomorph mean horse-shaped in Greek and Latin?

Yes. Equinomorph does mean horse-shaped in Greek and Latin.

What has a neck and head shaped like a horse?

I'd say an animal that has a head and neck shaped like a horse would be a donkey.