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Q: What is the hottest planet because of a thick atmosphere of carbon dioxide?
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What planet is the hottest because of the thick atmosphere of carbon dioxide?


Which planet is hot because of its thick atmosphere?

Venus is the hottest planet, as it is close to the sun and also has a thick carbon dioxide atmosphere that holds the heat effectively.Venus is extremely hot because its thick atmosphere, rich in carbon dioxide, traps heat energy from the sun.

What condition is Venus in?

It is the hottest planet in the solar system. This is probably because its dense carbon dioxide atmosphere causes a "greenhouse effect".

How could cutting down trees lead to the build up of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere?

Because trees remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, and if they cut them down we will have more carbon dioxide.

What planet is that hottest?

Venus is the hottest planet. Its average surface temperature is 464 degrees Celsius. Its atmosphere has thick, pale, yellow clouds of carbon dioxide and sulfuric acid.

Which planet is the hottest one?

Venus. Its atmosphere is almost entirely composed of carbon dioxide. It is so hot that its oceans boiled dry.

Which of the inner planets have an atmosphere containing mostly carbon dioxide?

The inner planet that has an atmosphere containing mostly carbon dioxide is Venus. It has an extremely dense atmosphere, made up mostly of carbon dioxide with small amounts of nitrogen and trace amounts of other gases. The thick atmosphere contributes to Venus' extreme greenhouse effect, making it the hottest planet in the solar system.

What is the principal gas in the venusian atmosphere and also a minor component of the atmosphere of earth and mars?

Carbon dioxide. That's not quite right because carbon dioxide is about 95% of the atmosphere of Mars.

What planet has a thick carbon dioxide atmosphere?

Venus has the thickest carbon dioxide atmosphere.

Why is Mars atmosphere thin?

The atmosphere on Mars is thin because it is 95.72% carbon dioxide.

What is the atmosphere on Venus like?

The atmosphere of Venus is made up of primarily of carbon dioxide. Thick clouds of sulphuric oxide and carbon dioxide completely cover the planet.

What is the hottest terrestrial planet?

Venus is the hottest terrestrial planet, and hottest overall. It thick carbon Dioxide atmosphere holds the heat effectively. Surface temperatures on Venus average 735 Kelvin or 460 °C. Mercury is closer to the sun, but it has no atmosphere to hold the heat in.