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Q: What is the housing like in the deciduous forest?
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What biome has deciduous trees?

I'm pretty sure it's the Deciduous Forest. Hope that helps!

What is the maple tree's natural habitat?

Deciduous forest

Common trees of the deciduous forest include?

Common deciduous forest tees include trees like oak, sweet gum, maple, and Beech.

What biomes would you pass through from los angeles California to Washington dc?

the deciduous forest, desert, grassland, deciduous forest. ChaCha!

What kind of water is in the deciduous forest?

Mainly fresh water is in a deciduous forest.

Are there monkeys in the temperate deciduous forest?

Yes, I think there are monkeys in the deciduous forest

What biome is Ohio part of?

Temperate Deciduous Forest

What are some of the biotics in a deciduous forest?

Some biotics in the deciduous forest are the animals that live there

What is the high and low rainfall for the deciduous forest?

deciduous forest have a high percentage or rain

What are the deciduous forest consumers?

some consumers in the deciduous forest are: - bird - monkey - mushroom

What biome does the trillium flower live in?

the temperate deciduous forest or just deciduous forest

Are there more producers or consumers in a deciduous forest?

It depends on the deciduous forest. ( size,biodiversity)