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If acid rain has lowered the pH of a particular lake from pH 7.0 to pH 4.0, the hydrogen ion concentration of this lake has been increased by a factor of 1000. This is because each whole unit on the pH scale represents a 10-fold change in acidity and basicity.

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9y ago
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13y ago

1 × 10-10 mol of hydroxide ion per liter of lake water

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14y ago

In a way, p stands for -log.

So, pH is simply -log[H+]

Hence by math, the hydrogen ion concentration is 10(-pH)

The [H+]will be 10-4 moldm-3

Have a nice day.

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12y ago

[OH-] = 5.25 x 10-10

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Q: What is the hydroxide ion concentration of pH 4.3?
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As hydroxide ion concentration increases the Ph will increase or decrase?

As hydroxide ion concentration increases, the pH will increase. This is because hydroxide ions are basic and will consume hydrogen ions, leading to a decrease in hydrogen ion concentration and an increase in pH.

At a pH of 7 what is true a The hydroxide ion concentration equals the hydronium ion concentration b The concentration of the acid equal the concentration of the conjugate base?

At a pH of 7, both statements are true. The hydroxide ion concentration equals the hydronium ion concentration in a neutral solution with pH 7. Additionally, in a neutral solution, the concentration of the acid equals the concentration of the conjugate base since the solution has an equal balance of H+ and OH- ions.

How does pH vary with hydronium ion and hydroxide ion concentration in water?

pH is a measure of the concentration of hydronium ions in water. As the hydronium ion concentration increases, the pH decreases, indicating a more acidic solution. On the other hand, as the hydroxide ion concentration increases, the pH increases, indicating a more basic solution. At a neutral pH of 7, the concentrations of hydronium and hydroxide ions are equal.

What information is necessary to determine the pH of a solution when you given hydroxide ion concentration?

To determine the pH of a solution from the hydroxide ion concentration, you also need the concentration of the hydrogen ion. Once you have that information, you can use the equation pH = 14 - pOH, where pOH is calculated as -log[OH-] and [OH-] is the hydroxide ion concentration.

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What is the difference in the amount of hydrogen ion and hydroxide ion in the solution with pH7?

In a solution with pH 7, the concentration of hydrogen ions (H+) is equal to the concentration of hydroxide ions (OH-). At this pH, the solution is neutral, meaning the amount of H+ and OH- ions is balanced, resulting in a neutral charge.

What is the hydroxide ion if the pH is 5?

The hydroxide ion concentration at pH 5 is 10^-9 mol/L. At this pH, the hydroxide ion concentration is lower than the hydronium ion concentration, indicating an acidic solution.

What is the hydroxide ion concentration of a solution whose pH is 12.40?

The hydroxide ion concentration can be calculated using the formula [OH-] = 10^-(14-pH). Thus, for a solution with pH 12.40, the hydroxide ion concentration would be 10^-(14-12.40), which is equal to 2.51 x 10^-2 M.

What is the approximate hydroxcide ion concentration in a cup of tea?

The hydroxide ion concentration in a cup of tea is dependent on the pH level of the tea, which can vary. Generally, the hydroxide ion concentration in tea is very low due to the presence of other compounds such as tannins and flavonoids. If you are looking to calculate the specific hydroxide ion concentration, you would need to know the pH level of the tea.

Is the pH of solution is the negative logarithm of its hydroxide ion concentration?

No, the pH is the negative logarithim to base 10 of the Hydrogen Ion concentration.

What are the hydrogen ion and hydroxide ion concentration in water What is the pH and pOH of pure water?

In pure water, the hydrogen ion (H+) concentration is 1x10^-7 M and the hydroxide ion (OH-) concentration is also 1x10^-7 M. The pH of pure water is 7 (neutral) and the pOH is also 7.

If a solution is considered to be basic is true about the hydroxide ion concentration?

If a solution is considered basic, then the hydroxide ion concentration is higher than the hydrogen ion concentration. This means that the pH of the solution is greater than 7. The presence of hydroxide ions contributes to the alkaline properties of the solution.