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Q: What is the ignition temperature of coconut shells?
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How do you make coconut shell powder?

Coconut shells.

How do you get coconut shells in the mission 3 season 2 bungle in the jungle?

the bugs are in the unknown land place i'm looking for the coconut shells and cant find them

Do coconut shells go bad?

i think so.

Where do you get the coconut shells on moshi monsters?

Sprockett and Hubbs are wearing them.

What building materials did they use?

A lot of cork and ground coconut shells..

What is the difference between ignition temperature and spontaneous ignition temperature in a fuel cell?

The minimum temperature the fuel ignites self sustained combustion is known as spontaneous ignition temperature. The temperature at which the substance is preheated and burns smoothly is known as ignition temperature.

What will happen if the ignition temperature is lower than the room temperature?

If the ignition temperature of a substance is lower than the room temperature where it is, then that substance ignites.

How do you make accessories using coconut shell?

you just take a string and the shells poke a hole threw the shells and put the string thew and tie it together

What is the ignition temperature of natural gas?

1100-1200 degrees Fahrenheit is the minimum ignition temperature.

Which one has got higher ignition temperature wood or kerosene?

kerosene has got higher ignition temperature.

How do you make crafts from waste coconut shells?

Waste coconut shells make good bird feeders; if you drill a hole in the base of the coconut, thread a piece of string through with a large knot on the end which is outside the shell. Now fill the coconut with a (mixed up and combined) mixture of lard (shortening) and seeds. Now hang the feeders outside using the other end of the string to tie it to a branch etc...

Ignition temperature is the minimum temperature required to?
