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Q: What is the image of point P2 3 5 after a reflection about the xy-plane?
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You use the well-known point-point formula . Here is it: suppose P1 = (x1,y1) and P2 = (x2,y2) An equation for the line containing P1 and P2 is y - y1 = [(y1-y2)/(x1-x2)] (x -x1) Note that the quantity in brackets is the slope of the line. Note also that it does not matter which point is P1 and which is P2.

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The composition of Buffer P2 is:200 mM NaOH1% SDS (w/v)Buffer P2 is the lysis buffer

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No. Let p1 be a prime number. Let p2 be a multiple of p1 such that p2 = p1 * k.  Then the factors of p2 are: 1, p1, k and p2. ==> p2 is not a prime number. Hence, a multiple of a prime number cannot be a prime number.

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A P2 costs $9.00 per user/month.

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What is the answer when you factorise p2 plus 3p?

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#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include<string.h> void main() { char str1[]="ravi kant yadav"; char str2[20],*p1,*p2; clrscr(); p1=str1+strlen(str1)-1; //Make p1 point to end of str1. p2=str2; while(p1>=str1) *p2++=*p1--; *p2='\0'; printf("Original string=%s. Reversed String=%s",str1,str2); getch(); }

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