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Of course it made our lives easier and more convenient and faster too.

But it also polluted our environment so we should start to practice the three 3R's unless you want the earth to be a barren, uninhabitable planet.

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Q: What is the impact of science and technology on your lives?
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How does science and technology impact your lives?

It would be faster to answer how it does not impact our lives. That is to say it plays a role in almost every single facet of modern life.

What is the impact of technology on science?

technology is the application of science

How did the cold war impact science and technology?

The Cold War had a great impact of science and technology by rapidly increasing development. Satellites were quickly deployed by both sides which have since become a major part of daily lives.

What is the Impact of science on society?

Science can impact society by creating technology that makes peopleâ??s lives easier. It also can help create medicines to help treat diseases.

Why is the application of science called technology?

Science is mean to improve our lives. Technology is also mean to improve our lives. Therefore, why cant application of Science called technology?

Impact of Science and technology on human life?

The impact of Science and Technology on human life is huge. Everything around us is a product of scientific advancements. We can now live much longer than before and have been able to fight of many diseases that we never could. Science and technology is constantly improving our lives and brings forth many advancements every year.

What is the effect of science and technology to your lives?

To mine? I probably would not be alive with out the advances in medical science and technology.

What is the impact of science and technology on society in India?


How will science and technology change your lives in future and what should India do to stay in this games?

science and technology may affect these lives in many ways. unless in one of these lives i become a low-paid factory worker to make this technology.

What is true about the impact of science and technology on the economic development of the US and on standards of living?

science and technology has had a positive impact on the economic development of the United States and has improved standards of living

Distinguish science from technology?

Science is the study of natural phenomenons of the world. Technology is the APPLICATION of science to people's lives to make life easier :)

How does science affect your every day lives?

by technology