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If you get the mix wrong, the durability is reduced. Too little water makes an inadequate mixture, too much and you'll get a saturated mixture where the interior might not set (or you'll have to add more fly ash to balance it out).

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Q: What is the impact of water cement ratio on durability?
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Obviously, if the aggregates are in a surface wet condition, meaning the moisture content is greater than the absorption, that surface water increases the water-to-cement ratio and affects strength and durability.

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Obviously, if the aggregates are in a surface wet condition, meaning the moisture content is greater than the absorption, that surface water increases the water-to-cement ratio and affects strength and durability.

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Water/cement ratio law states that the strength of concrete is only dependent upon water/cement ratio provided the mix is workable.Strength of concrete primarily depends upon the strength of cement paste.Similarly, the strength of the paste increases with cement content and decreases with air and water content.

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What is water to cement?

Water cement ratio is defined as the indicator of strength is the ratio of water used compared to the amount of cement.Lower the W/C ratio, higher will be the strength.A minimum of W/C ratio 0.3 should be adopted.

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the strength of concrete is effected by water /cement ratio as the water/cement ratio increases the strength of the concrete decreases

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