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Q: What is the impact that Mama's decision to give the quilts to Maggie has on the development of the plot of Every Day Use.?
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How does mama choose to resolve the conflict over the quilts In the story Everyday Use?

She takes the quilts from Dee and gives them to Maggie. In the story, "Everyday Use," Dee and Maggie had a conflict over the quilts. Mama resolved the conflict by taking the quilts from Dee and giving them to Maggie, who would love them, use them and hand them down to the next generation.

Why does Dee think Maggie should not have the quilts by Alice walker?

Dee believes that Maggie should not have the quilts because she feels that Maggie will not appreciate or understand their cultural and historical significance. Dee sees herself as being more deserving of the quilts because she is the one who is interested in preserving their heritage and using them as art pieces.

Who gets the quilts at the end of the story?

Maggie gets the quilts at the end of the story. Dee wants them as well, but Mama decides to give them to Maggie instead because she understands the sentimental value they hold for her.

which statement best analyzes maggie's behavior in this scene?

maggie is shy and belives that she is not worthy of keeping quilts herself

Why does Maggie like the quilts?

Cuz they r purrty and they r colorful

How would Maggie's and Dee use the quilts differently?

Maggie would likely use the quilts as intended, to keep warm and for practical everyday use. Dee, on the other hand, may view the quilts as valuable artifacts to be displayed or viewed as art rather than for their practical function.

In the short story Everyday Use by Alice Walker what artifact symbolizes Maggie's first triumph over Dee?

the quilts Apex

What different use would Maggie and Dee have for the quilts?

They are both ugly like you

What heirlooms did Dee want that belonged to Maggie?

the two old quilts packed away in the trunk

Everyday use what heirlooms did dee want that belonged to Maggie?

Two old quilts

In the short story everyday use by Alice Walker who does the narrator think will appreciatethe quilts more?

The narrator, Mama, thinks that Maggie will appreciate the quilts more as she plans to give them to her as a heritage to carry on their family traditions. Mama believes that Maggie understands the significance and history behind the quilts, while she sees Dee as viewing them as mere decorations.