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Q: What is the implication of martial law to presidency of president marcos?
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What is the cause of martial law in the Philippines?

Because people did not recognize the work of former president Marcos. That is why, Marcos implemented Martial law under the Military control.

When was martial law declared in the Philippines?

Martial law was declared in the Philippines on September 21, 1972 by then-President Ferdinand Marcos. It lasted for 9 years until 1981.

Wath president Ferdinand Marcos done?

Ferdinand Marcos was famous for declaring Martial Law in the Philippines and becoming its dictator for 21 years. Some of his notable accomplishments are: topping the Bar Exam and building the San Juanico Bridge.

Significant event in the Philippines in 1972?

One significant event in the Philippines in 1972 was that martial law went into effect that September. The martial law was declared by the then President Marcos.

Did the Philippines go through dictatorship?

Yes, the Philippines was under dictatorship when then President Marcos declared Martial Law on September 21, 1972. Marcos suspended civil liberties and military rule was imposed on the country. The dictatorship ended when Marcos was overthrown by a bloodless revolution. Corazon Aquino succeeded Marcos as President.

What are contribution of Ferdinand E marcos?

what are the contribution of Ferdinand Marcos martial law!

Why did Marcos institute Martial law?

Marcos wanted to perpetuate himself in power. He could not do this under a democracy because there is a term limit for the presidency. He, along with his defense minister Juan Ponce Enrile, orchestrated false subversive activities so that he could justify proclamation of martial law. By having martial law, he could suppress the freedom of expression and the press so that no one could oppose him.

Which Filipino president served the longest time in office?

Ferdinand Marcos was the longest Filipino presidency with 21 year from 1965 to 1986

What are the laws implemented by Ferdinand Marcos?

Ferdinand Marcos implemented several laws during his presidency in the Philippines, including Martial Law in 1972, which centralized his power and allowed for the suppression of political opposition. He also created various decrees that expanded his control over various aspects of society, such as the economy and media. Many of these laws were seen as oppressive and led to human rights abuses during his regime.

When did Marcos declare the presidential decree?

President Marcos declared martial law on September 21, 1972 after a month of bombings in Manila and Quezon City culminated in the mock assassination attempt on Defense Secretary Juan Ponce Enrile.

When was Marcos ousted from the presidency of the Philippines?

he was overthrown by revolution

Role of imelda Marcos in proclaiming martial law?

Actually the main reason why Marcos declare martial law, because he want to remain powerful even though his in his position. in short term remain the power on him.