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Q: What is the importance of capsules in establishing a disease process?
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What is the importance of capsules in causing disease?

Capsules play a crucial role in causing disease by enabling bacteria to evade the host immune system. Capsules protect bacteria from being recognized and attacked by immune cells, making it easier for them to establish infection and survive within the host. Additionally, capsules can also help bacteria adhere to surfaces within the body and prevent them from being cleared by the immune system.

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Griffith's experiment showed that live bacteria without capsules acquired the ability to make capsules from dead bacteria with capsules in a process griffith called?

Vigaiyna :p

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it is the process of establishing a charge in an object

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The importance of the writing process is that it is a step by step process to make you a great writer.

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establishing a colony or colonies in the act or process

What is the disease process?

WHICH disease process? Diseases vary by far, and some of them are nothing alike

What are the benefits of taking cinnamon capsules?

Cinnamon capsules are generally quite useful for those suffering from diabetes. To be specific, Cinnamon capsules increase the amount of time is taken in the process of emptying the stomach, which also increases the amount of time before a blood sugar spike.

What is the medical term meaning process that initiates a disease?

Pathogenesis is the medical term meaning process that initiates a disease.

What is the definition-organization as a process?

The definition of Organization as a process is the establishing and maintaining of a set od useable process\' as assets and setting standards for the work place.

Who was the scientist who formulated the germ concept of disease?

Louis Pasteur is the scientist credited with formulating the germ theory of disease. His work revolutionized medicine by establishing that microorganisms, such as bacteria and viruses, are responsible for causing many diseases.

Is a great importance to the biological process and involves the movement of water through a selectively permeable membrane?

Osmosis is of great importance to the biological process.