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Q: What is the importance of civil liberties in a free society?
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What is libertarianism associated with?

Free markets, civil liberties, smaller governments, less taxes, more freedom.

Why is civil society important to democracy?

Civil society allows coordination of interests to maintain free flow of information, discussion, and association. These elements are an essential part of the political freedom necessary to allow a democracy to exist by holding the government accountable to the people and not vice-versa.

What are the two main Constitutional sources of your Civil Liberties?

The Constitution really grants us zero liberties or rights. It acknowledges that we are born with certain rights and that the Government is not supposed to limit or take away from those rights. The Constitution grants the Government certain limited rights over us to make a civil and useful society. Other then those limitations we allow the Government to have under the constitution, we are free to do what we wish. The Constitution gives our Government certain (very limited) rights and liberties. We have chosen to allow our Government to have these rights to allow for a working society.

What principle did Voltaire fight for all his life?

civil liberties like free trade, freedom of religion and social reform.

How did the Supreme Court reinterpret civil liberties in Tinker v. Des Moines?

it protected students' right to free expression at school

China is a non democratic country disprised olding elections?

There are many countries "that are categorized as neither "free" nor "not free," but as ... Zakaria points out that in the West, electoral democracy and civil liberties.

How government can achieve legitimacy?

By having free and transparent elections; upholding human rights and civil liberties. Adhering to the countries constitution and the rule of law.

What promoted unlimited free speech and individual rights?

Freedom of unlimited free speech and individual rights is protected under civil liberties. Unfortunately, this freedom has the potential to hurt other individuals.

How does a civil society differ from a non-civil society?

In political theory the distinction is between civil society and the presumed, earlier state of nature.A civil society is a society in which people are involved in social and political interactions free of state control or regulation. Community groups, voluntary associations and even religious groups, as well as access to mass media and the Internet are important parts of a civil society.What relation is civilized to the word civil?

Why is a citizen's obligation in a free and democratic society?

Voting and getting involved in civil activity.

What are moral liberties?

a state of being free

Why were the civil liberties important to the founding fathers?

The founding fathers of the USA believed that individuals were born free, and that freedom was a gift from God. They did not want a overly strong central government to have the ability to negate the civil liberties of its citizens. With that said, the US republic was so devised and was ruled by a fair central government as described in its founding document, the US Constitution.