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Cleavage itself is not necessary during development - it is a result of development, specifically of mammary gland development during puberty in humans. Mammary gland development is important because the mammary gland provides 100% of a newborn's nutrition up to 24 months after birth.

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Q: What is the importance of cleavage in development?
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What is the importance of cleavage in embryonic development?

Cleavage produces the number of cells needed for the future organisation of the embryo, shifts and compartmentalises the egg material and balances out the nuclear and cytoplasmic material. Development is initiated by cleavage.

What is a determinate cleavage?

Determinate cleavage is the cleavage of an egg that separates portions of the zygote for development. Cleavage is a form of cell division that increases cells without increasing mass.

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cleavage surface are smooth and shiny as the fracture is due to weakness in the bonds between the atoms rather than a breakage. Crystal face is where the crystal development such as twinning take place.

What is the importance of cleavage?

Lines of cleavage are of utmost importance to surgeons, because a cut made parallel to a line of cleavage will usually remain closed with only minimal bleeding. Such a cut heals with a minimum of scarring. By contrast, a cut made at a right angle to a cleavage line will be pulled open as cut elastin fibers recoil. This cut will bleed profusely and will produce much scar tissue as it heals.

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